Music modifier V1.6 8100DC74 240E 8100DC76 00?? 81008BB0 2406 81008BB2 7FFF 810140AE 0000 8100CBFE 0000 ?? = digit to be replaced 00 - No music 01 - Windy (every single variation plays all at once. however, it can be fixed with the following adress= 81014584 2008 81014586 03FF. this will make the song only play the default windy variation, with nothing else) 02 - The woes of Mrs. Bee 03 - Mr. Barrel's hideout 04 - When you pick up the hive for the first time 05 - When you give the hive back and the wasps get shot at 06 - Mad Pitchfork 07 - When Marvin explodes 08 - Nothing(There is ONE note though, when listening to it with the instrument modifier. Yep. ONE constant note, and nothing else. Was most likely a piece of music removed from the game early on.) 09 - Uga Buga Land 0A - Pissing on the little devil guys (Actually an leftover from Twelve Tales Reused) 0B - Metallic, wars sound 0C - Hayminator alert 0D - Bullfish 0E - Conker gettin' bitten by bullfish 0F - Bat's tower 10 - Underground cave, water dripping 11 - Beware of Bullfish 12 - Talking to the good/evil cog 13 - Bullets 1 14 - Squirrel Soldiers getting shot and Conker watches as they blow into pieces and such 15 - Gameboy tune 1 16- Gameboy tune 2 17- Gameboy tune 3 18 - Story Beginning Intro 19 - Crowd cheering 1A - Uga blowing in giant horn 1B - Cavemen and drums 1C - Hypno tune (not used. instead, it's used as part of a voice clip for reasons unknown) 1D - Before Raptor comes out 1E - Heist 1F - Graveyard 20 - Nighttime and War sounds 21 - Waves and seagulls 22 - Cock And Plucker(Only heard at the menu, but fixable by the following address-- 810140AE 0000.(this has the disadvantage that a few notes may remain in the background for a split second or something)) 23 - Wind outside bar(aren't normally heard in any else area, but 81017D76 0000 will do the trick) 24 - Bullets 2 25 - War tune 26 - Footsteps 27 - Footsteps 28 - Footsteps 29 - Footsteps 2A - Footsteps 2B - Footsteps 2C - Tediz base interior 2D - Tediz 1 2E - Tediz alarm 2F - Tediz alarm 2 30 - Tediz 2/Dr Tediz 31 - Danger 32 - War Siren 33 - War Sirens 34 - Being chased towards the lift by metal spiders in War 35 - Poo Mountain 36 - N64 cube massacre intro 37 - Drunk 38 - The ten percent deal 39 - Bullfish's free 3A - Catfish getting eaten by dog-shark 3B - Catfish 2 getting eaten by dog-shark 3C - bullfish bumping into solid land, getting stuck in wall 3D - Rock Solid 3E - outside rock solid(aren't heard unless one goes to Uga Buga Land)(8100CBFE 0000 fixes it) 3F - Birds and crows 40 - Escape from Tediz Base(Don't know if it's a leftover from Twelve Tales or not...) 41 - Lava board race 42 - Great Mighty poo, verse 1 43 - Matrix (base tune) 44 - The Newspaper(Maybe a Remixed Twelve Tales Leftover) (not used. instead, it's used as part of a voice clip for reasons unknown) 45 - Conker gets lost and goes the wrong way 46 - Water, nighttime, ghost 47 - Evil panther-like king 48 - Milk glass slides off table, panther king gets angry 49 - The Great Mighty Poo gets flushed 4A - Bowel moment 4B - Poo sounds 4C - Pipes and metal sounds 4D - Bullets 3 4E - Experimenting Cutscene(Unused) 4F - "Frying tonight" 50 - Squirrel Soldier gets shocked 51 - mono set (options screen) 52 - stereo set (options screen) 53 - surround set (options screen) 54 - Dinosaur land 55 - Cut scene (Matrix intro part 1) 56 - Cut scene (Matrix intro part 2) 57 - Uga Buga Dinosaur Head Dramatic Intro 58 - Uga Buga 59 - Outside Spooky Castle 5A - Count Batula 5B - Spooky Castle 5C - Screeching. Was supposed to be playing after another track in a cutscene that were removed very late in development. 5D - Scary, chased 5E - Mission; Drop Bomb Down The Cliff 5F - Wind and Thunder 60 - Small birds and flies 61 - Water/poo sound 62 - Riding bull music! 63 - why am i such a fat bast.. 64 - bull defeated 65 - It's war tune 66 - War boss music 67 - Mini boss (banjo) 68 - Haybot 69 - Evil panther-like king 6A - Evil panther-like king 6B - Evil panther-like king 6C - Professor von Kriplespacs "master plan" 6D - Evil panther-like king 6E - Bubbling 6F - Birdy 70 - Affects of the anti-drunk pills 71 - End Credits 72 - My nemesis is defeated 73 - Sweet Corns dramatic moment 74 - Bullfish reeled in, unable to swim up to the surface 75 - haybot making the floor collapse 76 - Haybot defeated 77 - Franky's Dramatic Moment 78 - Anvil Slam 79 - Berry gets kidnapped by rock man part 1 7A - Berry gets kidnapped by rock man part 2 7B - dino egg hatch 7C - baby dino squashing lizard monk 7D - baby dino's first and last day in life 7E - Dino stone head "released" 7F - Dino stone head sneezing 80 - Don Weaso's tune 81 - Don Weaso Outside Feral Reserve Bank 82 - Farewell Raptor 83 - Jugga (beta leftover from twelve tales?) 84 - Conker falling off Mr. Barrel, smashing open blocked entrance 85 - Bullets 4 86 - Dramatic 87 - War background music 88 - Countdown 89 - Last Boss - The air lock is open 8A - The Royal Anthem 8B - War Honour Antem 8C - Evil panther-like king appears in the vault 8D - Berri being shot 8E - Heinrichs birth 8F - First two attempts at throwing the alien out 90 - Game locking up 91 - End Of Story 92 - In the Space Vault (Last boss area) 93 - Bullets 5 94 - Death of Count Conkula